COMPANY`S PRESENTATION: long-term experience in information technology security and prevention field lets fairly evaluate the risk of information leakage. In order to advise companies in information systems security, control, evaluation, and network development, the company founded Information Security Agency. In 2008 the company was granted a disability social status. The company currently employs eight workers with disabilities - who have mobility disabilities and general illnesses. The company provides a range of a reliable and comprehensive consulting services to public sector organizations, which are seeking to absorb the EU structural funds and other support. While developing company‘s work, we pay particular attention to integration of the disabled people into the labor market and society. Our service quality is determined by the fact that we are not linked to any information products distributing company. To improve the quality of services, the company in 2009, integrated quality and environmental management system (ISO 9001). Our technicians are certified by the Spanish Security University (ISECOM). Qualifivcation is being checked each year, so the level of knowledge is very high.
MAIN CUSTOMERS: Kaunas Municipality, Pagegiai Municipality Visaginas Municipality, Pasvalys District, Pakruojis district Municipality, LPS Bociai, Kaunas Red Cross Clinical Hospital, Kaunas` Silainiai clinic.
• Computer programming activities.
• Individual software development and perfection.
• Computer consultancy activities.
• Computer facilities management services.
• Other information technology and computer activities.
• Data processing, web servers (hosting) and related activities, the provision of information in the database related activities.
• Database maintenance routine.
• Internet portals services activity. Internet search portals services activity.
• Other not elswhere subsumed education.
• Other adult education which is not divided by grade, except for sports, recreational and cultural education.
• Computer and peripheral equipment repair and manufacturing.
CAPABILITIES OF THE COMPANY: The company is capable to operate simultaneously in a dozen cities of Lithuania.
Sarunas Grigaliunas